Cruise Reports
2024 Cruises
- OSNAP 38: RRS Discovery, DY182
- August 2 – August 27, 2024 (Reykjavik, Iceland – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief Scientist: M. Femke de Jong
- This cruise will service the University of Miami moorings in the Iceland Basin and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research moorings in the Irminger Sea.
- OSNAP 37: R/V Neil Armstrong, AR84-02
- July 9 – August 14, 2024 (Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief Scientist: Leah McRaven
Co-Chief Scientist: James Holte
- Cape Farewell (OSNAP East & West)
- Cruise Report
- OSNAP 36: RRS Discovery, DY181
- July 3 – July 28, 2024 (Aberdeen, Scotland to Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief Scientist: Kristin Burmeister
Co-Chief Scientist: Tiago Segabinazzi Dotto
- DY181 is a physical oceanography cruise to recovery and re-deployment of the Ellett Array moorings and perform a CTD section between the Scottish continental shelf and the Iceland Basin. These items are contributions to a sustained observing programme in the Rockall Trough and Iceland Basin funded through NERC Long-Term Large Scale Single-sector National Capability and delivered in partnership between NOC and SAMS. The North Atlantic Current flows northward through the Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough, constituting around 40% (by volume) of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and therefore significantly influencing UK shelf-sea conditions. Building on the scientific knowledge generated through nearly 50 years of sustained observing on the Ellett Line in the Rockall Trough, the Ellett Array utilises gliders and moored instruments across Rockall Trough at 57N. The data provide continuous observations of the transport of mass, heat and freshwater through the measurement of velocity, temperature and salinity. The data from moorings are enhanced by high-resolution ocean glider sections which provide unprecedented information about the continental slope current west of the Scotland. The Ellett Array forms a major part of the OSNAP array that observed the MOC between Scotland and Canada.
- Cruise Report
- OSNAP 35: MSM129
- June 7 – July 5, 2024 (St. Johns, Canada to Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief Scientist: Johannes Karstensen
Co-chief scientist: Fehmi Dilmahamod
- The MSM129 cruise will carry out measurements in the western subpolar North Atlantic. The aim is to improve the understanding of the large-scale circulation in connection with the meridional overturning circulation and to better understand the dynamics on the submesoscale (<1km). Ship-based (CTD, MVP, ADCP, RSW system, discrete water samples), moored and autonomous measurement systems (gliders) will be used on the cruise.
- OSNAP 34:
- June 2 – July 2, 2024 (Woods Hole, MA, USA to Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief Scientist: Sheri White for OOI
Lead OSNAP Scientist: Heather Furey
- West Irminger basin: Mooring turnaround for the Greenland DWBC M1-M4 moorings.
Joint cruise with OOI (Sheri White, Chief Scientist) to service their Irminger node moorings.
CTDs for mooring calibration only.
- Cruise Report
2022 Cruises
- OSNAP 33: RRS James Cook, JC 238
- July 12 – August 01, 2022 (Southampton, UK to Southampton, UK)
- Chief Scientist: Ben Moat and Kristin Burmeister
- Iceland basin and Rockall Trough: servicing of 3 CLASS/Ellett Array moorings in the Rockall Trough, a CLASS bottom mounted ADCP in the Hatton-Rockall Basin, and 3 UK-OSNAP-Decade moorings in the Iceland Basin. We will also complete a CTD section from the mid-Iceland Basin to the Scottish continental shelf, with CTD-O, LADCP and bottle sampling for salinity, oxygen, nutrients and carbonate chemistry. The cruise will service a short seafloor mooring in the Darwin Mounds (northern Rockall Trough).
- Cruise Report
- OSNAP 32: RV Neil Armstrong, AR68-03
- August 18 – September 24, 2022 (Reykjavik, Iceland to Nuuk, Greenland)
- Chief Scientist: Fiamma Straneo (UC San Diego)
- Southwestern Irminger Sea and the southeastern Labrador Sea: The primary science goal is to recover and turn around the shelf and slope moorings of the OSNAP-East Irminger array and the shelf and slope moorings of the OSNAP-West eastern Labrador array. The cruise will also turn around three German moorings that extend the Labrador array, and conduct a hydrographic and velocity survey of the southeast and southwest Greenland shelves and slopes.
- OSNAP 31: RV Meteor, M184
- August 12 – September 15, 2022 (St. Johns, Canada – Emden, Germany)
- Chief scientist: Johannes Karstensen (GEOMAR)
- Western Labrador Sea: to re-deploy long term moorings (53°N-Array; K1/SeaCycler) and to record the large-scale hydrographic structure from CTD/O2/lADCP data. Targeted measurements will also be carried out to validate the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission (launch in September 2021). For this purpose, specific regions, guided by the satellite tracks will be surveyed using the ship.
- OSNAP 30: RV Neil Armstrong, AR68-02
- July 22 -August 13, 2022 (Reykjavik, Iceland – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Bill Johns (UM)
- East Irminger basin and West Iceland basin: Mooring turnaround for the Western and Eastern Mid-Atlantic Ridge Array, and conduct CTD measurement along the section.
- OSNAP 29: RV Neil Armstrong, AR69-01
- June 20 – July 17, 2022 (Woods Hole, MA, USA – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief OSNAP scientist: Heather Furey (WHOI)
- West Irminger basin: Mooring turnaround for the Greenland DWBC M1-M4 moorings.
Joint cruise with OOI (Sheri White, Chief Scientist) to service their Irminger node moorings.
CTDs for mooring calibration only.
- Cruise report
2020 Cruises
- OSNAP 28: RRS Discovery Cruise DY120
- October 8 – October 24, 2020 (Southampton, England – Southampton, England)
- Chief scientist (OSNAP lead): Stuart Cunningham (SAMS)
- Iceland basin and Rockall Trough: Turnaround of Rockall Trough and Iceland Basin CLASS and OSNAP moorings; turnaround of CLASS Porcupine Abyssal Plain, Darwin Mounds and Whittard Canyon moorings; calibration CTDs; possibly glider operations.
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 27: R/V Neil Armstrong AR47
- September 18 – October 21, 2020 (Woods Hole, MA – Woods Hole, MA)
- Chief scientist: Bill Johns (UM)
- Iceland basin: Turnaround of U.S. Iceland Basin moorings (7 in total); CTD’s for caldip and near mooring sites prior to recovery; recovery of three Navy (NISKINe program) moorings.
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 26: R/V Neil Armstrong AR46
- August 8 – September 5, 2020 (Woods Hole, MA – Woods Hole, MA)
- Chief scientist: Sebastian Bigorre; OSNAP lead: Heather Furey
- Irminger Sea: Full turn-around of the OOI moorings (including FLMA and FLMB, which are part of OSNAP line); full turn-around of 4 GDWBC OSNAP moorings; possible turn-around of a small number of CF moorings if not completed on OSNAP West cruise.
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 25: R/V Maria S Merian MSM94
- August 2 – September 6, 2020 (Emden, Germany – Emden, Germany)
- Chief scientist: Johannes Karstensen (GEOMAR)
- Labrador Sea: 53N array mooring servicing
- Cruise report, CTD & ADCP data
- OSNAP 24: R/V CCGS Amundsen AZOMP/OSNAP cruise
- July 17 – August 7, 2020 (Halifax, Nova Scotia – St.John’s, Newfoundland)
- Chief scientist: Davit Hebert (BIO)
- Labrador Sea: Recover and deploy BIO moorings (5 in total) on the upper Labrador slope and shelf
- OSNAP 23: R/V Pelagia PE473
- 11 July – 16 August, 2020 (Texel, Netherlands – Texel, Netherlands)
- Chief scientist: Femke de Jong (NIOZ)
- Irminger Sea and Iceland Basin: IC moorings turnaround; CTD stations; deploy drifters; recover French landers on the ridge.
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 22: R/V Neil Armstrong AR45
- June 23 – July 28, 2020 (Woods Hole, MA – Woods Hole, MA)
- Chief scientist: Bob Pickart (WHOI)
- Labrador and Irminger Seas: To turnaround the LS and CF moorings (9 tall moorings, 8tripods); any remaining CF moorings will be serviced on the subsequent Armstrong cruise.
- Cruise report
2018 Cruises
- OSNAP 21: R/V Neil Armstrong (OSNAP-West) AR30-06
- August 27 – October 3, 2018 (Reykjavik, Iceland – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Bob Pickart (WHOI)
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 20: R/V Neil Armstrong (OSNAP-East lag 2) AR30-04
- July 1-30, 2018 (Reykjavik, Iceland – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Bill Johns (UM)
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 19: R/V Neil Armstrong (OSNAP-East lag 1) AR30-03
- June 5-24, 2018 (Reykjavik, Iceland – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Amy Bower (WHOI)
- Purpose: (re)-deploy the DWBC array east of Greenland
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 18: R/V Maria S Merian MSM74
- May 25 – June 26, 2018 (St. Johns, Canada – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Johannes Karstensen (GEOMAR)
- Purpose: service Labrador Sea 53ºN array (OSNAP West) and Irminger Sea moorings
- Cruise report (short version), CTD & ADCP data
- OSNAP 17: R/V CCGS Hudson Cruise #HUD2018008
- April 26 – May 22, 2018 (Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada – Halifax, Canada)
- Chief scientist: Igor Yashayaev (BIO)
- Purpose: redeploy BIO moorings on the OSNAP line and occupy the western part of the OSNAP-West line and deploy two Argo floats
2017 Cruises
- OSNAP 16: R/V CCGS Hudson
- September 15 – October 10, 2017
- Chief scientist: Igor Yashayaev (BIO)
- Purpose: redeploy the C1, C2, C3 and Hamilton Bank moorings; occupy the AR7W line and the western section of the OSNAP-West line; deploy 13 Argo floats and conduct mooring recoveries and oceanographic work in Davis Strait
- France RREX cruise
- Summer 2017
- Chief scientist: Virginie Thierry (IFREMER)
- Purpose: CTD casts, moorings recovery, and deployment of deep Argo floats
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 15: RRS Discovery Cruise DY078/079
- 6-28, May 2017 (Southampton, UK – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Penny Holliday (NOC)
- Purpose: refurbish the OSNAP Rockall Trough moorings (RTWB1, RTWB2, RTEB2 and RTADCP1); occupy the Extended Ellett Line (EEL)
- Cruise report
2016 Cruises
- OSNAP 14: R/V Neil Armstrong (OSNAP-West)
- August 3 – September 8, 2016 (Reykjavik, Iceland – St. Johns, Canada)
- Chief scientist: Bob Pickart (WHOI)
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 13: RRS Discovery Cruise DY054 (OSNAP-East Leg 2)
- July 27 – August 17, 2016 (Reykjavik, Iceland – Southampton, UK)
- Chief scientist: Penny Holliday (NOC)
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 12: RRS Discovery Cruise DY053 (OSNAP-East Leg 1)
- June 29 – July 23, 2016 (Glasgow, Scotland – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Stuart Cunningham (SAMS)
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 11: R/V Maria S Merian Cruise MSM54
- France IFREMER cruise (OVIDE section): R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa
- June 1 – July 13, 2016 (Vigo, Spain – Reykjavik, Iceland)
- Chief scientist: Fiz Perez (IIM, Vigo)
- Spanish cruise in collaboration with France
- OSNAP 10: R/V CCGS Hudson
- May 1 – 27, 2016
- Chief scientist: Igor Yashayaev (BIO)
- Purpose: redeploy the C1, C2, C3, Hamilton Bank and Scotian Slope moorings; occupy AR7W and XHL lines, and a segment of the OSNAP-West line; deploy 7 Argo floats
2015 Cruises
- OSNAP 9: R/V Pelagia (OSNAP-EAST Leg 2)
- July 8 – 30, 2015
- Chief scientist: Laura de Steur (NIOZ)
- Purpose: service the (Dutch) Irminger Current moorings and the (British) DWBC moorings; deploy RAFOS floats over the slopes east of Greenland (western Irminger Basin).
- Cruise report, Data report (NIOZ mooring)
- OSNAP 8: R/V Pelagia (OSNAP-EAST Leg 1)
- June 12 – July 07, 2015
- Chief scientist: Stuart Cunningham (SAMS)
- Purpose: service the (US) Iceland Basin and the (Scottish) Rockall Channel moorings; deploy RAFOS floats over the slopes east of the MAR ridge crest (western Iceland Basin)
- Cruise report
- France RREX cruise: R/V Thassala
- OSNAP 7: R/V CCGS Hudson
- May 1 – 26, 2015
- Chief Scientist: Igor Yashayaev (BIO)
- Purpose: moorings to be recovered and redeployed at C1, C2 & C3 in the western Labrador Basin
- Data report
2014 Cruises
- OSNAP 6: R/V Thalassa Cruise MSM 40
- August 6 – 25, 2014
- Chief scientist: Johannes Karstensen (GEOMAR)
- Purpose: recovery and deployment of moored instrumentation as well as of surveys of the water column at selected stations.
- Cruise report, CTD & ADCP data
- OSNAP 5: R/V Knorr Cruise KN-221-03
- OSNAP 4: R/V Knorr Cruise KN-221-02
- OSNAP 3: R/V CCGS Hudson Cruise #2014017
- June 30 – July 15, 2014
- Chief scientist: Blair Greenan (BIO)
- Purpose: improve understanding of ocean currents, variability, and dispersion in the vicinity of Sackville Spur through the use of moored measurements, which is also to validate computer model configurations.
- Cruise report
- OSNAP 2: R/V Knorr Cruise KN-220-01
- June 16 – 30, 2014
- Chief scientist: Brian Guest (WHOI)
- Purpose: deployment of sound sources and RAFOS floats
- Data report (RAFOS float)
- OSNAP 1: RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 302May 31 – July 18, 2014
- Chief scientists: Brian King and Penny Holliday (NOC)
- Purpose: hydrographic section across OSNAP West and East: temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, carbon and CFCs.
- Blog postings:
- Cruise report