Author Archives: Anne-Sophie Fortin

OSNAP Greenland Deep Western Boundary Current (GDWBC) 20-21 June 2022

by Heather Furey

So, we are off (Figure 1).  The sun is shining, it is a perfect June Cape Cod day.  Lines were cast about 20 minutes early; family and friends were left to rush to the dock to wave goodbye.

We are headed out to ‘tip jet central’, just east-northeast of the tip of Greenland where so many strong wind events are located. The winds scream across the Labrador Sea from the west, round the corner of Cape Farewell at the southern tip of Greenland, into the southwest Irminger Sea, forming strong cyclonic wind events.  We partner with Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) on this cruise, as they are headed to the same work region to turn around the Global Irminger Sea Array (  This OOI global array has four heavily instrumented moorings, two of which are in line with the OSNAP array, located between the Greenland Deep Western Boundary Current (GDWBC) moorings.

Figure 1. We are just starting out, having cast off the lines at about 16:10 EST from Dyers Dock at WHOI, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

The entire OSNAP line will be recovered and redeployed this summer – a feat that will require five different oceanographic cruises from three different institutions and five different science parties – led by UMiami, GEOMAR, NOC, Scripps, and WHOI.  The cruise details are listed here:

Figure 2. The OSNAP array and hydrographic ‘line’. Mooring locations are represented by yellow dots; glider section, and a yellow line. Five cruises will service different portions of the array, circled and organized from blue to red by start date. The light green rectangle denotes the glider survey section, which is ongoing. (This ~2016 schematic has just a few differences from what is in the water right now, but in general, is correct.  I’m at sea, I’m using what I brought with me.)

The entire OSNAP mooring and CTD line across the Labrador Sea, Irminger Basin, Iceland Basin, and Rockall Trough is shown in Figure 2.  Each of the five cruises will service one of the circled regions.  We are headed to the Irminger Sea (blue) now, then the R/V Neil Armstrong will dock in Reykjavik and pick up the next science party, who will service moorings in the Iceland Basin (yellow), then back to Reykjavik, new science party, who will then service moorings east and west of southern Greenland (red).  Meanwhile, the folks aboard the British RSS Cook will service the Rockall Trough region (green), and the German RV Meteor will service the Labrador Basin array (orange). The glider array (light green), run by SAMS, continually measures ocean properties across the Rockall Plateau.

On this cruise, we will be recovering and redeploying (‘turning around’) four moorings and calibrating their instruments (see the blue circle in Figure 2 and M1, M2, M3, and M4 in Figure 3), in addition to the moorings at the OOI Irminger Array (see SUMO, HYPM, FLMA/B, and Glider Box in Figure 3). The work load will be about a 2/3 OOI, 1/3 OSNAP balance.  We share some of the science party: hydrographer Leah Houghton, the deck crew led by John Kemp, and help from other OOI members during our mooring deployment or recovery days when they have time.  And, in turn, we help OOI out during their work days as we can. 

Figure 3. Zoom-in of the work site and mooring locations east of the tip of Greenland.

We have just finished a test CTD cast and reworked the day-by-day cruise plan, which will likely be reworked a few more times as the days go by and actual events reshape the way we spend our time.  Just ahead are a couple of transit days to deep water, instrument prep, and then a few calibration casts.

More later, Heather

OSNAP at the 2022 US AMOC Science Team Meeting

OSNAP-related presentations at the 2022 US AMOC Science Team Meeting can be found on the site linked below. We look forward to ‘seeing’ everyone and learning about the latest findings. If you have any edits or questions please contact Anne-Sophie Fortin (

Postdoctoral Researcher Position at URI

Gases in the Overturning and Horizontal Circulation of the Subpolar North Atlantic (GOHSNAP)

The Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemistry Lab led by Dr. Jaime Palter at University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography invite applications to join an international and interdisciplinary group studying the transport of oxygen and carbon through the Subpolar North Atlantic. This postdoctoral position is funded through NSF-Chemical Oceanography and entails working with new biogeochemical data collected on the Labrador Sea mooring array deployed as part of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (O-SNAP).

Project overview: GOHNSAP instruments have been collecting a 2-year record the full water column concentration of O2 across the southern boundary of the Labrador Sea since 2020. These instruments will be recovered and redeployed in 2022.  The aim of this project is to use these data, together with O-SNAP velocity observations, to quantify the transport of oxygen and the relative contributions of the horizontal and overturning circulations in supplying that O2 to the deep ocean.  Additional instruments are measuring mixed layer pCO2, from which air-sea gas exchange will be calculated and compared against analogous observations in the convective interior of the Labrador Sea. 

Responsibilities and Duties: The postdoc will lead the analysis of the GOHSNAP data, synthesize this work in the context of the O-SNAP transports, and write manuscripts from the results.  The individual will contribute to field work on one or more of the mooring cruises, if possible.  The postdoc will have the opportunity to contribute to outreach activities planned with K-12 school teachers and facilitated by URI’s Inner Space Center.  The successful candidate will be required to contribute to the functioning of the research group, assist with graduate or undergraduate student mentoring and will be encouraged to develop future research projects. There is no teaching requirement or expectation to write research grants, but those opportunities can be provided.

Qualifications: Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. degree in Physical or Chemical Oceanography or closely related field at the start date. Candidates must possess demonstrable programming skills in Matlab or Python needed to synthesize large data sets.  Relevant knowledge about ocean circulation is desirable. Excellent written and verbal science communication skills are important.

Appointment: The position is intended to start in spring or summer 2022 and is for 12-months, with funding secured for a second year, pending satisfactory progress. The postdoc will receive training in research collaboration, presentation and publication of results, outreach, and mentoring. The ideal candidate will work on site at GSO, but accommodations for remote work will be considered.

To Apply: Applications must include (1) a 2-page statement of experience, career goals, research vision and interests; (2) curriculum vitae, (3) reprints of relevant publications and (4) names and email addresses of three references who can provide a recommendation. All materials should be emailed as a single pdf document to: with ‘GOHSNAP PostDoc Application’ in the subject line.

Candidates will be selected based on overall excellence, including academic qualifications, reference assessments, and prior skills, experience, and research goals that are compatible with the goals of the funded research. The position is compensated through a competitive salary and excellent benefits package.

Diversity, equity and inclusion are important to URI and GSO. We are committed to a sustained University-wide effort to advance inclusion and belonging, including being one of the first oceanography schools to be selected as an AGU-Bridge partner institution. We encourage women, minorities, veterans, those with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups to apply. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status.”

Review: Applications to be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please contact with any questions.

OSNAP at Ocean Sciences Meeting

OSNAP related presentations at OSM 2022 can be found on the site linked below. We look forward to ‘seeing’ everyone and learning about the latest findings. If you have any edits or questions please contact Anne-Sophie Fortin (